Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Today's topic is : The Bartlet Legacy

So, The West Wing will finally end this season. It's not a surprise. One of it's stars has died, another of the main players is scootering his way to jail, and in the past two seasons, many have simply disappeared. Charlie-gone (last seeing playing poker), Zoey-possibly kidnapped again (she couldn't even make it to her own Sister's wedding), Ginger and those woman in the secretarial pen, Lily Tomlin, Carol with the toothy smile from the communications office, the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Nancy, most of Congress and lots of Secret Service people. In fact, rather than the familiar hustle and bustle cameraman running backwards chaos, the West Wing itself seems rather sedate and empty these days, like everyone is working on a Sunday (because sure as hell, no-one is at home watching the WW). Of course there have been disappearances in the past. Mandy simply vanished and then, after being embraced so warmly, Ainsley Hayes suddenly flew away-reputedly to Miami, Sam went and then Mallory left 'cos she had nobody to flirt with. There was a moment back there where Winnie from the Wonder Years threatened to become a regular, but even she fizzled out, despite her superb mathlete/porn-star style character name of Elsie Snuffin.

My thoughts are what will happen between now and the final episode. I guess Santos has to win, given that we saw that in flash-forward, along with CJ and Danny (who I still think of as Elliott) clearly a couple. But who will be his Veep? In the first real hint of office romance ever, will voracious Kate Harper (who I still think of as Justine) and hapless Will (who I still think of as hapless Jeremy) get it together? Will Kristin Chenoweth break out into a rendition of The Boy Next Door? And finally, and most importantly, will the producers have the imagination to complete the Josh and Donna arc to anyone's satisfaction. It's gone cold since he nearly knocked on her hotel room door sometime in season 6. It's a problem. They clearly can't shag and then both work in the Santos White House together. This would be unfair on Donna since she struggled so hard to get a credible career and also got blown up in order to ensure wound equality: easily matching his bullet to the chest by a fresh-faced white supremacist with lower limb paralysis and pulmonary embolism caused by real terrorists. Josh can't leave politics to take up organic Yak farming or golf, but then again he actually can't function properly without her. My guess is a Joey/Dawson ending, where they end up dealing with their volcanic emotions but not together. But I wouldn't cringe if they did finally realise that they are the perfect match. After all, they could spend many an intimate hour comparing scars.

Me, I look forward to my next visit to Manchester NH, where I'll be dropping in to browse the Bartlet Presidential library.

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