Thursday, March 02, 2006

today : unloading

Just some things I want to get off my chest.

1. To the makers of Grey's Anatomy. You have good characters and a nice rhythm to your scripts. Your show is enjoyable. But enough with the Lilith Fair mixtapes already.
2. To footballers. You work in a business worth billions. You earn millions. Is it too much to ask that you can't buy a decent set of black arm-bands just in case someone dies? Is it really a measure of respect to the dear departed to wrap black
gaffer tape randomly around your sleeve?
3. To my local supermarket. What is the deal with the kiosk? Why is it so important that I cannot buy a drink, a sandwich, a magazine and a packet of cigarettes and pay for them all in one go? Do you think that having to spend time and effort joining two queues - one to buy the sandwich and drink and one to buy the ciggies and a magazine - and making two transactions for 3 items is making me happy?
Do you think that makes me want to buy more stuff from you?
4. To the person who "parks" at the end of my street. The theory is that you park
at the side of the street, therefore allowing other road users to actually use the road, rather than just abandon your car somewhere in the middle of the street making other vehicles, unable to fit through the three inch gap, to drive around the block. And just so you know. Custard yellow is stupid colour for a car.
5. To the NHS. If you write stuff down, then the patient who is visiting you for the fourth appointment in an ongoing process won't have to repeat their
entire history to the new person they see at each appointment, and essentially start the process over again four times without acheiving any apparent forward movement. After a while you might find that you can make some progress with their problem and they will go away happy and pain free rather than fuming and in bloody agony.
6. To Americans. It's difficult to take your brand of freedom too seriously if 20% of you believe that your first amendment gives you the right to own a pet.

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